Keeping Kids - and Their Friends - Near

In the latest issue of Thriving Family (Focus on the Family's new parenting and marriage magazine), one author discusses how she made her home appealing to her teens and their friends. Because, she writes, if her kids and their friends liked to hang out at her house, then she'd not only be more aware of what her kids were up to, but she'd also get to know her children - and their friends - better.

What an excellent idea! But why wait until your kids are teens? It doesn't take too much trouble to find inexpensive things to keep kids of all age groups happy. And if you can set aside an area of the house for them, so much the better. Teens would love the basement-made-into-a-game-and-movie room, while kindergarteners are happiest a little nearer to the grownups, with wholesome DVDs and creative play toys. The movies and games needn't cost much if you shop at thrift stores. Food could be costlier (especially for the teens), but by shopping sales, nearly anyone could fill a mini fridge with drinks and snacks. And in return for a little time, trouble, and money, you can keep more in tune to your children and their changing needs.

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