A Pumpkin is Like a Person

How is a pumpkin like a person? A child who wants to carve a pumpkin carefully picks out a squash, scoops out the seeds and slop, throws out the mess, and cleans up the pumpkin. God picks us out, too, and scoops out our sin and throws it away until we're washed clean and new.

This concept is beautifully related in the Christian children's book My Happy Pumpkin. (You can read my review of the book over at Christian Children's Book Review.) In our family, we read this book, dig into a pumpkin or two, and use the time to talk about the lesson a squash can teach us. Then we carve the pumpkin and put a candle inside it, reminding our children God's light is in us, also, and we should let others see it shining. If you don't wish to make a jack-o-lantern, you can still do this activitiy. Just open up a pumpkin and scoop out the insides, then make a simple pumpkin soup or homemade pumpkin pie. I'll post tomorrow about what to do with pumpkin seeds and scraps. Bookmark and Share

1 comment

  1. This is still one of my favorite illustrations of salvation. Love that book!
