Here are some activities I came up with to go along with our reading:
* Do a popcorn and milk experiment
* Try an ice insulation experiment.
* Dye some clothing or fabric using natural dyes.
* Look at the cost of things in Farmer Boy. Can you compare them with prices today? How much would Almanzo's $200 be in today's money?
* Eat some apples 'n onions.
* Grow a milk fed pumpkin.
* Make some apple turnovers.
* Do some molasses candy pulling.
* What could you enter into your area's fair? Start now on that project.
* Make some simple headcheese.
* Make a whistle from a blade of grass. (Also.)
* Whip up some watermelon rind preserves.
* Tap some trees and make syrup. (More tips for tapping non-Maple trees here.)
* Eat some birds' nest pudding.
* Make some easy apple vinegar. (Instead of chopping up whole apples, you may use apple peels and scraps.)
* Color some boy farmer pictures.
* Make some watermelon rind pickles or green tomato pickles.
* Watch a video of the Wilder farm.
* Eat some blueberry pudding.
* Make some Farmer Boy inspired doughnuts.
* Read and learn about the Declaration of Independence.
* Consider using this free Farmer Boy unit study, including crafts. (Here's another.)
* Make a Farmer Boy lap book. (Or, try this one.)
Little House in the Big Woods Activities
Pancake Men (from Little House in the Big Woods)
Little House on the Prairie Activities
Little House on the Prairie Birthday Party
On the Banks of Plum Creek Activities
Little Town on the Prairie Activities
Activities for The First Four Years
These Happy Golden Years Activities
Farmer Boy Activities
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