Cream Cheese Pancakes (Low Carb, Keto, Paleo, Grain Free Recipe)

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Just before Christmas, a diagnosis of diabetes so bad my doctor said I should be on insulin shook my world. It totally explained my extreme fatigue (the only symptom I had), but it also made me delve into a lot of research - because one thing was for sure: I did not want to be on insulin. Thankfully, I have one of those rare M.D.s who's up to date on nutrition, and he recommended a keto diet lifestyle.

As it turns out, there's a keto diet that's specifically for diabetics. I started it almost immediately, and my blood sugar dropped to normal within 3 or 4 weeks. And unlike other low carb diets I've been on, I don't feel hungry and rarely have cravings. I'm finding the food variety very pleasing, too.

This recipe (discovered at I Breathe, I'm Hungry) is one of my favorites so far. It's very easy, and wonderfully delicious. Even my picky kids like it!

And seriously, even if you aren't watching your carb intake, these pancakes are well worth making - and eating!

If desired, you can make extra pancakes/crepes and freeze them, just like you would traditional pancakes. (I've also heard of people leaving out the sweetener and spice and using these as a savory wrap, in place of bread or tortillas.)

  Cream Cheese Pancakes


2 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
2 eggs
1 teaspoon granulated sugar substitute (I recommend Stevia, since I believe it's the most healthy choice; I use Pyure)
½ teaspoon real cinnamon*

1. Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. (My blender and food processor are both still packed, so I use my Kitchen Aid mixer. When I'm done blending at high speed for several minutes, there are still little chunks of cream cheese. It doesn't look pretty, but I don't think it affects the finished product at all.) Set aside for about 2 minutes.    
 Your batter will look prettier and smoother than mine, if you use a blender/food processor.

2. Place a skillet over medium high heat and add a generous pat of butter. Once the butter has melted and the pan is hot, pour a little of the batter into the skillet. Cook for about 2 minutes, then flip and cook about 1 minute more.
These pancakes are easy to flip!
3. Repeat until batter is used up.

I like to butter these pancakes as they come off the skillet; this way, for me, they don't need any syrup.

Estimated Nutrition, per batch, according to SuperTracker: Calories 269; Carbs 4g total (not net); Protein: 10 g.; Fat: 24 g.; Fiber: 1 g.

* Studies show that real cinnamon may reduce blood sugar - but it must be cassia (also called Chinese) cinnamon. Most grocery store cinnamon doesn't list its origin or type, but you can buy cassia cinnamon online.

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