Perfect Pork Chops with Spicy Green Beans Recipe (Keto, LCHF, Paleo, Low Carb Recipe)

Keto, LCHF, low carb, diabetic recipes

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 Is it scary for me to put the words "perfect" in the title of this recipe? Yeah, a little...'cuz you can't please everybody. But truly, this is the most perfect pork chop recipe I've ever eaten, and my hubby - who is super-picky about how his meat is cooked - feels the same way. And yes, I know the photos make this look like any other pork chop and green beans recipe. My photography skills are definitely lacking. But I do believe you will find the meat moist and highly tasty, and the green beans cooked thoroughly while still being crispy, with some excellent, spicy flavor.

Happily, this is a meal that's pretty quick to make, too, and fits with a variety of diet-lifestyles, including Paleo, keto (LCHF), and low carb. 

Pan Fried Pork Chops with Sauteed Green Beans Recipe


For the green beans:
Green beans, stem ends removed
Sea salt
Black pepper
Garlic clove

For the pork chops:
Pork chops (bone-in is best)
Seasoned salt
Black pepper
Cayenne pepper
Bacon drippings

1. Place a pot of water on the stove over high heat. Once it comes to a boil, add the green beans. Immediately start timing 3 minutes.

2. When 3 minutes are up, drain the beans and plunge them into cold tap water. Allow to sit until step 6.

3. Season the pork chops, front and back, with a generous amount of seasoned salt, and pepper. Sprinkle lightly with cayenne pepper - unless you like a lot of hot spice, in which case, slather it on!

. Heat a large cast iron skillet over medium high heat, adding a rounded tablespoon of bacon drippings and 1 tablespoon of butter. Add the pork chops, working in batches, if needed. (If the fat "cooks away," add more butter to the next batch of chops.)

. Cook one side of the pork chops for about 3 minutes, then turn over. Cook the other side for about 2 minutes, or until a thermometer placed in the thickest part of the chop (nut not next to the bone) reads 145 degrees F. Remove from the pan, place on a platter, and put inside the oven. Do not turn on the oven's heat.
Allow to sit at least 5 minutes before serving. 

. In the meantime, pour the green beans into the same skillet used to cook the pork chops. Do not clean the skillet first; you want all those wonderful drippings that are still in the pan to help flavor the vegetables. If there's not much fat in the skillet, add a dollop of bacon drippings. Season the green beans with salt, pepper, garlic and s
auté until bright green.

Estimated Nutrition, according to SuperTracker; per one medium-sized (about 6 oz.) pork chop: calories 394; Carbs 0 g total; Protein: 24 g.; Fat: 46 g. Per 1 cup of green beans: calories 39; Carbs 9 g total; Protein: 2 g.; Fat: 0 g.



  1. So is this a normal meal plate for you? 500 calories per meal?? Check out my IG @plantbasedforthewholefamily

  2. I actually eat just a little over 1,000 calories a day, which is plenty for me. When you are burning fat instead of carbs, your body isn't hungry all the time :) I can't do a plant-based diet because it makes my blood sugar so high.

    1. Do you intermittent fast too? How many cups of coffee do you drink?

      The reason why your body isn't hungry all the time, it's because it's smart. If you were hungry on this diet and ate way more fat you would end up killing yourself way quicker. Your body is conserving energy because you are eating so few calories, it can't afford to lose any. When you are in fasting mode one of the things you lose is your appetite. Check out They educate not only type 1 diabetics but type 2 also. They have videos on YouTube explaining how our bodies function and why diabetes happen. A plant based diet actually lowers your blood sugar. :) This concept of "starvation mode" (low calorie 1000-1500 calories a day) is how bariatric surgery works. It's how people become anorexic. Again fats are not evil but 60% or more of it shouldn't be your diet. Just a concerned friend. <3 Wishing you the best.

    2. I don't drink coffee and I don't fast. I don't require a lot of calories on any type of diet. If I eat more, I gain weight :) And eating more plants definitely raised my blood sugar.
